East Dayton Christian School is proud to say that we are now 1:1 for all of our high school students. That means that each HS student will be loaned a device (Chromebook) that will be theirs for the school year. Students in grade 9-12 will be able to take the device home with them from the start of the school year to the last couple weeks of the school year. With going 1:1, there are a few procedures that parents need to be aware of.
- Devices are the property of East Dayton Christian School.
- Students will retain the same device for four years. It is the student’s responsibility to keep the device in proper working order.
- Students need to charge the device at home. No charging will be allowed at school. All devices have an 8-12 hour battery to last throughout the school day. All power cords need to stay at home.
- All devices are filtered 24/7 against inappropriate websites. Alerts will be sent to administrators about inappropriate use. Teachers have the ability to monitor student use throughout the day.
- The EDCS Acceptable Use Policy is effective 24/7 when using these devices.
- Printing will not be allowed on these devices. Students will have a desktop in the library available for all printing needs.
- Students are only permitted to download the apps that have been approved by the technology department.
- Students may not put stickers on their devices or on the device covers.
- If your device becomes lost or stolen, please let the tech office know ASAP.
- All devices will be collected during the last two weeks of the school year.
- If a student owes past technology fees, a device will not be issued until all fees have been paid.