East Dayton Christian School (EDCS) strives to be the premier option in the Miami Valley for families seeking academic excellence from a Biblical worldview to achieve lifelong leadership and service.
Upcoming Events
March 24-28th: NO SCHOOL – Spring Break
April 2nd: ELA State Testing Grades 6-8 & 10
April 3rd: ELA State Testing Grades 3-5
April 3rd: NJHS/NHS Induction 7-8PM
April 4th: ELA State Testing Grades 3-5
April 7th: Math State Testing Grades 6-12
April 7th: No School for non-testing High School Students
April 8th: Math State Testing Grades 3-5
April 8th: HS American History State Testing
April 9th: HS Biology State Testing
April 9th: Math State Testing Grades 3-5
April 10th: Science State Testing Grades 5 & 8
April 14th: Progress Reports Sent Home
April 17th: K-12 Resurrection Chapel – Take Heart Fundraiser 9-11AM
April 18th: NO SCHOOL, Easter Break
April 21st: NO SCHOOL, Easter Break
April 22nd: Kindergarten Graduation Pictures
April 25th: Alumni Basketball Game
April 26th: Prom
Upcoming Open Houses
All Open houses are finished for the year.
If you would like a personal tour of the facility please call 937-252-5400.